about Peppl.

inspired by a shared journey, June and Kat understand the struggles with stress and low self-confidence firsthand

they saw how many others faced similar challenges and made it their life’s work to turn science-backed techniques into accessible ways to work on your mental well-being & self confidence

1 your moment

work on short & long mental well-being

2 no extra time

short an fun exercises, designed to do during your routines

Peppl. stands for our values
and is the abbreviation of ...


we care about you and your
mental well-being
we just love people, in all shapes and colours!


sustainability is one of our key values that we apply throughout our company culture, partnerships with environmentally engaged partners and eco-friendly practices


mental health is often a very heavy topic, but it doesn’t have to be
what if working on our mental well-being would be fun and playful?

meet our founders

"Kat adores habits, rising every day at 6 am. She is dedicated to establishing routines for herself and those around her. Caring for others, she also prioritizes sustainability, a core value for her.
Kat oversees operations, ensuring that all products reach your homes in the most eco-friendly manner—from production and packaging to delivery."


“June is a strong advocate for mental well-being, offering support during stressful times with positivity and empathy. She is the creator of exercises, the voice behind daily encouragement, and the mastermind behind the website, app and branding”


meet the experts behind the exercises

Peppl. exercises blend techniques from psychology, mindfulness, and neuroscience, and are verified by mental health professionals like Thomas Midgley.
Midgley holds expertise in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Schema Focused Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy with expertise in the field for nearly 20years.
His clinic in London specializes in treating conditions affecting both body and mind.

Thomas Midgley

Founding director of The Body Image Treatment Clinic,
Harley St, London