Peppl. x Alchimie

alchimie,alchimie cream,skin care, routine

Hello! I'm Alchimie

a few years ago Anda started Alchimie’s skin coaching sessions to be able to offer people tailored advice, tips and tricks to give them back the control over your their own beauty

to spread the love for self care they launched their own line of high performance, all natural skin care products

Alchimie's mission is to help you find your true self love through rituals and micro moments of self indulgence.what better way to make your skincare routine a moment of self love than by pairing it with your daily Peppl. exercise?

alchimie,alchimie cream,skin care, routine,day dream face cream,rise&shine serum,fresh start cleansing milk,morning mist tonic

fresh start cleansing milk

a fresh start for a new you

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day dream face cream

spread some love on that gorgeous face

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rise & shine serum

a youth elixer for a rejuvenated skin and mind

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morning mist tonic

fresh skin and mind throughout the entire day

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three simple steps

alchimie,alchimie cream,skin care, routine


“Peppl. brings added value to the product itself, just by being able to offer an extra to your client. When they leave with the product, they will have the benefits from the product and also the exercises. And it enhances the wellbeing experience. “

Anda Burcea, founder

 Science says: the QR code helps you stick with your healthy mind habits.