self-confidence through your clothes

I just finished the new season of Sex Education (yes I binged it in two days, so what?) and noticed so many unique clothing designs worn by the characters. The personality of Eric, Otis, and the rest of the cast was portrayed flawlessly through their clothing. As a person of Eastern European origin, I was implicitly taught that ‘eccentric’ choices of clothing are assigned a negative label.

Standing out was something that used to be frowned upon, thankfully in the past 5 years, this persistent negative labeling has died down and we see more people flaunting their unique outfits in the street. Seeing the progression of time and noticing how the choice of clothing is done in a form of self-expression, brings me so much joy.

Do you have a signature RED LIPSTICK? The SWEATPANTS that make you feel cozy at home? Or that SUIT that makes you feel like a badass? These items are what we’ll be reflecting on today. The power of YOUR fits.


Your personal style allows you to express yourself without having to explicitly state anything. Adding a scarf or being creative with your clothing choices gives you the ability to add your own personal flavor to your clothes.

As your clothing aligns with your personality, you will feel much more comfortable, and you’ll begin to soar with confidence.


Wearing clothes that you’re comfortable in increases your self-confidence as you’ll feel more focused on any tasks that you have at hand (no more dreading to eat because you’re wearing your skinniest pair of jeans).

Coziness oozes from your comfortable choice of clothing and can bring a positive atmosphere to your day (and yes, this is your excuse to buy that cute loungewear that you saw).

Social confidence

Hey, I love your scarf, where did you get it from? This is the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation and form new connections. Talking about items that you like and finding common ground is an effective way to start a chat.

And it’s always pleasant to hear that somebody has taken a liking to your outfit.

Wear the clothes, don’t let the clothes wear you

-Vera Wang

‘Don’t wear those shorts, they’re too short’. ‘You’re too big for a crop top’. ‘I can see your bra strap.’ The amount of times I have heard such statements infuriates me. For many years, society has dictated on what is acceptable to be worn for each body type. Why shouldn’t I wear what I want?

I may not look like Bella Hadid but I am still able to rock some low rise jeans. Your choice of clothing shouldn’t be determined by society, clothes look good because YOU are wearing them, my friend.  And anyway, who is society to tell you how you should be dressed?! 

What you wear is a simple yet straightforward way to express yourself. A good outfit also has the ability to boost your mood. As the saying goes, ‘Feel good, do good’. It is vital to feel comfortable in the choices we make, so why not start with our clothing?

Have a badass day -Your friend,Dora, from Peppl, who’s currently writing this in her comfiest sweatpants.


the social media impact on our well–being